Koons Woodbridge Ford

Jan 5, 2023

Your transmission is as vital to the proper functioning of your vehicle as the engine. It’s also almost as expensive to fix if a serious problem develops. So it’s wise to pay close attention to your transmission and respond to indications of trouble as promptly as you would with your engine. Don’t hesitate to visit your local Ford dealer for transmission repair if you notice any of the following issues.

Your Gears Are Slipping

In its mildest form, slipping gears will hinder proper acceleration. You might see high RPMs as your car struggles to gain speed. Slipping gears can also prevent you from shifting smoothly, or shifting at all. At its worst, slipping gears means your car will suddenly pop into neutral or start shifting gears all on its own.

Gear slippage can result from various issues. You might have worn gear teeth that are worn down or a malfunctioning cluster of gears. Slippage might also be caused by a broken torque converter or a faulty solenoid, which is the component that regulates the flow of transmission fluid. Most commonly, gear slippage is due to low or aging fluid.

You Smell Burning Fluid

Over time, transmission fluid naturally ages and thickens as the heat takes its toll, filling with metal particles and other debris from the gearbox. If the fluid is left too long without being refreshed, it reduces in volume and loses its ability to lubricate properly. This creates more friction and heat, which starts to burn the fluid, so you’re likely to smell something burning.

Flush Fluid Frequently at Your Ford Dealer

The key to a healthy, long-lasting transmission is regular fluid flushing. If you drive a manual shift, you’ll need to have your fluid refreshed every six months or so. For automatic shifts, it’s safe to do this less often. Check your owner’s manual and stick to the intervals recommended.

You Spot a Fluid Leak

Any reddish liquid pooling under your car is probably leaking transmission fluid. If you suspect a leak, you can leave some cardboard under your car when you park and check it when you return. A leak will have to be fixed right away to save your gearbox from far more costly problems.

You Hear Grinding When Shifting

The changing of gears in a modern Ford should be silky smooth and quiet at all times. If you suddenly hear grinding, something’s not right. It’s best to have a technician take a look.

Visit Koons Woodbridge Ford today to have your transmission inspected and repaired by helpful, experienced professionals. We provide the region’s drivers with excellent Ford vehicles and courteous, attentive service.